Taking Stock
The end of one year is as good a time as any to take stock; assess where we've been and where we hope to be a year from now. Strategic planning comes more natural to some. I used to think in terms of "the great unknown". Since I could not see the future, I did not try to plan.
My perspective is changing. A year ago, I did not have Diabetes (or at least, I had not been diagnosed). My doctor says it was probably with me for a while before symptoms started to show. Had I known, my actions this past year would have taken a different path.
So now, looking ahead, I'm trying to contemplate my options over the next twelve months. My goals must include an action plan regarding my health. I must develop better awareness, be disciplined enough to check my status on a regular basis and respond accordingly. That means better management.
I understand now that one's status within the realm of Diabetic extremes can change from one year to the next. My medication level has already been increased once. I should do everything in my power to keep my blood sugar in check, to minimize the need for additional measures.
Not so much for me as the ones that I love. My family depends on me to stay healthy, so that I can keep working while we plan our finances for the future as well. (Yes, I'm back to work and feeling good about it.)
I'm working on a trifold strategy that involves full-time employment with potential part-time at a facility closer to home. I'm also pursuing opportunities outside my professional field. At last, I've taken steps to submit samples of my writing and art for publication. Even if it doesn't happen right away, in my heart I believe this could take me in the right direction.
Only time will tell. But it makes me feel more complete. It's the only way that I will ever know. Somewhere along the way, my creative side seemed to get lost. If there's any part of my destiny to be found with expressing this side of myself, the time to discover it is now.
For perhaps the first time in my life, I've got a plan for the next twelve months. It demands more flexibility on my part. An open mind. Not just 9 to 5, five days a week. For me, recent events seemed to be leading up to this, forcing me to accept changes that I might have rejected a few years ago.
Possibility thinking is my new frame of reference. If it's possible, then I must pursue it.
I've witnessed much sorrow the past few weeks and months. People dying all around me. Every time, I wonder about plans not completed. How many of their dreams died with them? I think about all the things left undone. I don't want my life to end that way.
Since I don't know how much time I have left, I need to get on it right now. I still wonder about my destiny. About the paths not taken. Wondering what might have been.
And I keep telling myself -- it's not too late. People 'make over' their lives all the time. They pursue natural, God-given talent that's long been neglected. And sometimes, they succeed in ways never imagined. If such a thing is possible, then I'm going to find out.
A year from now, my life may be completely different than it is today. I hope to have greater awareness and understanding of my Diabetes. At least, I plan to pursue a path of action to bring myself closer to that point. I will work at it, day by day.
It should help me to stay focused. No doubt I will need to "take stock" more often, assessing my progress. I must keep checking, each step of the way.
Perhaps you have similar goals and dreams. Where would you like to be? What is possible?
Let's find out -- together.
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